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How Are Fees Calculated?

Many factors contribute to the determination of an attorney’s fee in any legal matter. In our firm, the complexity of the matter has the greatest impact on fees. We generally bill on either an hourly or fixed fee basis. In either arrangement, we pass on certain costs to our clients.

Existing Clients

We use Clio as our payment portal. To access the portal to pay a current invoice, click HERE, or on the link embedded in digital invoices sent via email. Checks and credit cards are also accepted. Email us at  [email protected] for our mailing address or to coordinate payment via credit card over the phone

Flat Fee vs Hourly Rates

In cases where our services are more or less standard, such as preparing a simple estate plan with a typical distribution scheme, we offer a general fee schedule available upon request at [email protected].

Other services, such as probating an estate, preparing Federal estate and gift tax returns, administering a trust, pursuing a court-ordered guardianship/conservatorship or drafting sophisticated estate plans involving charitable bequests, disabled beneficiaries, or tax reduction strategies, we may be unable to accurately predict the amount or sophistication of the work involved and must charge hourly. Each of our timekeepers has an hourly rate that we apply when billing hourly. Your fee agreement will describe the professionals assigned to your case and their respective hourly rates.

A man and woman shaking hands over papers.

How to pay us and when?

Flat Fee Representation – First time clients will be asked for a $1000 minimum retainer fee, or up to one half of the flat-fee, if one can be quoted. In these situations, we do not begin work until the retainer has been received. In flat-fee matters, we anticipate full payment of the fee within 30 days of our provision of drafts, or the date you sign your estate plan, whichever occurs first.

Hourly Representation – In matters where we charge by the hour, we may ask for a retainer to be delivered before we start work, and we may ask you to replenish it as we bill you and earn our fees. This is done on a case-by-case basis and usually only when we begin working with a new client.

We prefer to send invoices containing a link for online payment to your email address. If desired, you may also print your invoice and mail a check to our office or call the office with your credit card information.  We are also happy to mail paper invoices upon request.

Payments can also be made in all of the traditional ways, including by check via hand delivery or U.S. Mail and credit card payments can be made by clicking the link below or by calling the office.




Email : [email protected]

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